Description : Garra ceylonensis is endemic fish to sri lanka. Have two varieties in sri lanka.. one is totally black and other one is yellowish brown which has blach strip on body front to back.
Size : Mostly about 7-8 cm. But can grow up to 14-16 cm.
Breeding : This fish laying eggs on rocky substances.
Habitat : This fish prefer rapidly flowing water bodies which contain rocks
Status : Endemic . common.
Garra ceylonensis / Gal padi /ගල් පාන්ඩි
Garra ceylonensis / Gal padi /ගල් පාන්ඩි
Ill Garra ceylonensis / Gal padi /ගල් පාන්ඩි
Garra ceylonensis / Gal padi /ගල් පාන්ඩි
Garra ceylonensis / Gal padi /ගල් පාන්ඩි
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