Description: This fish is very colorific and attractive. Dorsal part of fish is reddish in color and distributed throughout the body. Male fish is very colorful and Female fish is brownish color. Juveniles are difficult to divide as male or female.
Size:This fish grows up to 15-18 cm. but commonly found size is 9/10 cm.
Habitat:This fish occurs in dark places / margins of flowing streams. places like more sand and marbles with clear water. sometimes found within the reservoirs.
Breeding: This fish laying eggs. Male fish make bubble net and female laying eggs to the net. Male protecting eggs until shrimps come out.
Status: Endemic. Common within WET ZONE.
Size:This fish grows up to 15-18 cm. but commonly found size is 9/10 cm.
Habitat:This fish occurs in dark places / margins of flowing streams. places like more sand and marbles with clear water. sometimes found within the reservoirs.
Breeding: This fish laying eggs. Male fish make bubble net and female laying eggs to the net. Male protecting eggs until shrimps come out.
Status: Endemic. Common within WET ZONE.
Belontia signata- à¶à¶½් කොà·ƒ්à·ƒා / Thalkossa - MALE FISH